Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sunday Six!

Too tired to go through the routine today....if you want to know more about it, scroll down to last weeks and click and Kelly's link!

1. Why do people work?

~~Because they need to work, is that right?

2. What is your favorite toy at the moment?

~~Buzz Lightyear

3. Why are there flowers on Earth?

~~Because people needs some flowers so they buy them at the store

4. What is your favorite movie at the moment?

~~Toy Story 2

5. What is your favorite snack?

~~Rice Krispies

6. Why do people drive cars?

~~Because they need to go somewhere.

Now, we are off to the police station to teach our son a lesson. He called 911 because he was mad at us. So, we are taking him there and making him apologize in person to the officers and let them explain to him why this is dangerous. Oy.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Creative Memories Party!

I hosted a Creative Memories Get-Together today (they don't call it a party anymore I was informed....whatever!). We had a good time and it was great to see the new products. Spent more than I should have, and we'll leave it at that because what hubby doesn't know can't hurt him! The best part is that Kristi came. We went to high school together in Kansas, and haven't seen each other since graduation 12 years ago. Somehow we both ended up on the East coast within an hour of each other (she moved here recently), so she was able to come today. It was awesome to see her. I can't wait to get my new product in and get started on Matthew's scrapbook!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Kindergarten Meeting!

We had Matthew's first Kindergarten meeting last night at his new school. It was just your average intro to the school and get about a thousand forms to fill out. I just have say one thing really pissed me off though. The letter inviting us to the meeting CLEARLY stated NO children as this meeting was lengthy and geared towards adults. Can I just say I heard only about half of the info due to squacking babies, toddlers banging toys and older kids running around the cafeteria. What the hell? WE made sure to find someone (thanks MIL) to watch our little man. Why do other people not follow the rules? What is so hard about this? I may be making a big deal out of nothing, but I know several of us families (you know, the ones following the rules without their children present) were getting peeved at not being able to hear all the info provided. All I can say is, I hope their young students who will be in class with my "little genius" (snicker) can follow the rules better than their parents can! Oh well....we signed up for a date next month for Kindergarten Round-up and Matthew gets to go to that so he will be excited to see his new school and classrooms!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Migraine Testing, EEG today

Well, I had my EEG done this morning. My neurologist was thinking there was a slight possibility that my migraines might possibly be being brought on by sub-clinical seizures
(WTF???). So, I had the EEG. It wasn't bad...kind of relaxing. Just left there looking like Medusa after they applied all those leads and glue to my head. So, no seizures. Which is good.
But, which means still no answers to my WHY.THE.WORLDS.WORST.MIGRAINES. I ended up in the ER again Sunday night getting IV Dilaudid...after the equivalent of 40mg of Morphine they finally got it to calm down and I got to come home 8 hours later. I am very tired of this. I slept all day Monday (as I got home from the ER at 8am) and had to sleep the drugs off. Today, slight headache, but nothing I can't handle.
Please everyone keep Kami in your thoughts and prayers. Her cousins funeral was today, and it is always hard to lose family members, but to lay a 19 year old cousin to rest is beyond words. Rest in peace Becca. God bless. Kami you and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sunday Six and Migraine Sunday!

This weeks Sunday Six is all about "The World" brought to us by Kelly. So if you played, let her know and let me know too! I thought we wouldn't get a chance to play until later tonight as I was supposed to work a double, but another damn migraine has put me out of commission. I took 2 Vicoden and 2 Xanax this morning without any help, so I just sucked it up and took 3 Percocet. I figured I better get my butt on here and type out the little man's answers quick before I am passed out cold in bed. Also, hop on over to give Kami and her family some love, they could sure use support, prayers and love in general. I am thinking of you and your family Kami and wish I could do more! Love ya girl!

Here are Matthew (age 5 yrs 3 mo) answers to this weeks questions:

1. How big is the whole world?

~~Huge, is the world huge mom?

2. What is a rainforest?

~~Where animals lives.

3. What lives in the ocean?

~~Fish and crocodiles and sharks and dolphins.

4. What color is the Earth?

~~Green and Blue

5. Why do humans live in houses?

~~So? They can live in anything they want, duh.

6. Why do we celebrate Earth Day?

~~Cuz people always have birthdays so the Earth sometimes deserves one too!

Pretty good answers this week, good questions Kelly. Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone, it is sucky rainy here in New England but we need it as the brush fires are getting way too risky!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Time for a Job Search

I think the time has come to quit dragging my feet and search for a new job. I have stuck with this particular company for just shy of four years and the problems just keeping getting deeper and deeper. I.ADORE.BEING.A.NURSE. Let's get that out in the beginning. I don't like the nursing shortage and what it is doing to companies. Our company has 330 beds and they have been in so much trouble with the state department of public health that we have been on the brink of closing multiple times in the last 2 years (though, thank God the 2 units I work on are awesome and have no problems with the state). The state mandated we decrease our total number of beds and we have done was supposed to be 220. But, then our medical director (whom I am one of the few nurses that has a good working/personal relationship with thanks to a previous job) decided he wanted to close our doors to any new admission until management took back control of the building. So, now our census is approximately 170. They are cutting staff, asking people to take days off, if no one volunteers to take a day off it goes to a lottery system. It is getting scary. The sub-acute respiratory unit I work on is AWESOME. We have the best staff in the building and I wouldn't trade it for the world, but I think the time has come. We normally have thirty patients, 2 nurses and 5 nurses aides and a respiratory therapist. We now have 13 patients, 1 nurse, 2 nurses aides and if we are lucky a respiratory therapist. It is too much work for one nurse. Tomorrow I have a 16 hour shift, no respiratory therapy and 4 trach dependent patients that are extremely needy. My 2 nurses aides ran their butts off today trying to get all the patients needs met, but it is impossible. So, I am expecting a long, hard day at work and will be exhausted by the time I get home at midnight. The problem though: I won't be able to sleep. I will wonder and worry about anything I could have possibly forgotten. I am like that. I am a perfectionist and I don't like not having time to spend with my patients, and that has been taken away from me. Two seperate doctors told me today to use them as references because it was time to get out of our facility. Scary. So, I am off Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday....time to get the resume's out and about. Sorry for the rambling, just needed to get it off my chest. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend! We will play Sunday Six late because of my work schedule!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Final* TV Update (It better be!)

OK, so hubby picked up the TV once again today. It is back in its place in the entertainment center in the living room. It is working. It has no flashing funky doodah lights. It only has one teeny minor flaw. The left hand side of the screen has about a 1" strip that is slightly faded (like a shadow) that isn't noticeable to anyone but us I am sure. That is the functionality of the TV. Now as for the cosmetics.....boy howdy. The top corners have small cracks...once again not noticeable unless you stick your head into the armoire (spelling?). There are a few dings along the "frame" bordering the screen, ok I can live with that. The screen itself is sort of bugging out. Seriously, almost like bug eyes, it appears to be trying to push its way out of the TV. So, it will buy us time to find a new one we like. Hubby of course wants a flat panel to hang on the wall (me, not so much into those, I like my entertainment center!). That's ok, hubby is the money SAVER so I know he won't spend thousands on a new TV anyway. And besides, with Matthew constantly flicking channels, touching the screen and jumping around like a little alien I am sure this TV is good enough until it goes capoot. Otherwise, I am sure he will find a way to break it. Anyone else have one of those kind of kids? PURE.ADRENALINE.JUNKY? Seriously, this kid doesn't even stop moving and talking in his sleep. I gave up using a monitor years ago just to get some sleep...he tosses and talks to much no one got any sleep! OK, off to clean little man's room...yogurt doesn't do well on the bed, carpet and wall. Don't ask, I don't anymore.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

TV Update

Well, hubby got home with the repaired Sony TV. Instead of hooking it up in the bedroom to check it out, he insisted on moving the other Sony back to the bedroom and putting the repaired one right back where it belonged in the living room. Whatever. We plug the damn thing in and it pulses. Like freaking hazard lights on a car. Only red and green. So as long as you watch only yellow and blue screens you are fine. I am so over this. Just buy a new TV. So hubby calls "Herbert" back and he says bring the TV back it is an easy fix. So, easily fixed? Why didn't he do it the first time. And not so easily brought back and forth. Damn thing is heavy. So, now hubby refuses to put a TV in the living room until HIS Sony is back. ?????? What the hell does that mean. It is the same exact TV in the bedroom, just exchange the two. But nope, he is retaliating and said if the one in the living room doesn't work, then we just won't have a TV in the living room. Only the bedrooms?? Oh for christ sake, where do men get there reasoning skills. Geez.

Scrap pages, Broken TV, Misc. Crap...

OK, so I think the whole damn family has the post Easter blahs. None of us have felt like doing anything but laying around moping. So, today, we are snapping out of it! Going to the park, going for a walk, getting outside. But, while the kiddo is taking his 2 hour bath (yes, addicted to long baths like his momma) I thought I better get my but on here and update. The first pic is of the loot the Easter Bunny left the little man...he raked it in. And as little man put it, "Mom, the Easter Bunny shops at the Disney Store too!" Oops. Next, is a pic of the aftermath of the TV taking a nose dive out of the entertainment center. Matthew and my neice Jasmine are enjoying having it upside down on the floor! As you can see behind them, we are lucky it didn't smash the stereo and the DVD/VCR combo on it's way down. Hubs is on his way home with the TV right now. He luckily knows a great electronics guy and for just under $150 our Sony is good as new. Phewwww. Lastly, Kami left a comment reminding me to post my scrap pages! So, here they are. I am too lazy today to take the sleeves off, so pardon the glare. These are a few of my favorites. Hope everyone is having a good week....the kids are all out of school here. ALL.WEEK. Yikes, ways to entertain them?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Sunday Six!

Sunday Six is brought to us by Kelly...check it out and let her know (and me) if you played!

1. What is Passover?

~~Like you have fun on Passwords, you can do whatever you want on games.

2. Why do people celebrate Easter?

~~Cuz it's spring cleaning (yeah, it felt like it!)

3. What is a Seder?

~~Like, Like...Spring

4. Where does the Easter bunny live?

~~I don't know (whispers: where does he live?)

5. What is Matzah Soup? (And if you know, do you like it?)

~~Like Mozzarella Soup-I like it a little (he's never heard of it!!)

6. What do you do with Easter eggs?

~~Find them!!

And to make our day complete...after half of our company left our large large living room TV took a nose dive out of the entertainment center!! Good thing we have the same TV in our bedroom to use until we replace it. And best of one was near it to get hurt! Just a freak thing. Yikes. Happy Easter everyone!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

8 hour Scrap-a-thon!!

Well, on Saturday we had our eight hour scrap-a-thon. We didn't have enough people sign up to have the fundraiser at the school, so they cancelled it. Bummer, right? Nahhhh. Melanie, the Creative Memories consultant/parent of a student who was setting it up knew there were a few of us moms who were really looking forward to it and invited us to her house for the eight hours!! How sweet was that? So, for the first 2 hours it turned out to be just myself and HER! She was great...showing me how to use the cutting system (which I so love), showing me different layout options, showing me different letters/stickers to use. I FELL IN LOVE! I am so addicted already. I could have spent a thousand dollars, but Melanie only let me spend $60. I booked a Creative Memories Party for April 29th, so she showed me the, shall we say smarts, of why to hold off buying everything I wanted that day and to wait for the party!

About 2 hours into the day another mom joined us, her son is in Matthew's preschool class and they have a great time playing together so it was nice meeting her too. She stayed for a few hours and left. One of Melanie's friends joined us for about an hour just to spend some time sorting pictures (daunting task I have ahead of me, too). Other than that, I had the entire eight hours alone with Melanie. She worked on her books (with four kids she has a tough task keeping up!), but she was the best. Whenever I needed help or had a question, she had no problem helping! I can't wait to get started on Matthew's first album! During those eight hours I started and completed my first ever scrap book....our wedding album. I will post pictures soon, but everyone at work LOVES it! It came naturally too me, luckily I have been artistic my entire life, so I think that helped! I will definitely admit to being addicted already. I went through the CM catalog and flagged everything my little heart desires....and for about $600 I would be pretty happy (and pretty divorced too!! LOL). So, I will have to start out slowly and get the most important things the cutting system, the ovals, circles, etc...MMMM have you seen the new bubble maker?? AWESOME!!

I now know why all of you in the blog universe so love to scrap!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sunday Six~Random!

It is once again time for Sunday Six brought to us by Kelly! Hop on over and let her know if you played. This weeks questions are a random assortment, answered by Matthew (5yrs 3mo).

1. What Planet do you live on?

2. What happens if you don't eat all your dinner?
~~You'll get in trouble.

3. What happens when you are sick?
~~You can't go to school.

4. What makes a rainbow?

5. Do you know everything there is to know?
~~Yep, in my school.

6. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Let me know if you played! Happy Sunday!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Grandparents Day

Thursday was Grandparents Day at Matthew's school. He was so excited to see his Babcia at school. Henry's mom lives only a couple of miles from us, so we are fortunate that she can see Matthew frequently. They went to morning mass together (catholic school) and then the children went off to class and the grandparents had a small breakfast while learning about projects the children have been busy with. Then the grandparents visited the children in the classrooms. Matthew was so well behaved his Babcia didn't believe it was him~~he is such a different child at school. I guess if he is going to act like a spastic maniac I would rather him do it at home than at school!! LOL. Then the day concluded with pictures that will be mailed to the grandparents in a keepsake frame made by the children.

Unfortunately, my mom and step-father Kelly live in Oklahoma and obviously couldn't be here. So, the school asked that grandparents who couldn't make it send a card to let the grandchild know they were being thought of. So, Matthew got a beautiful card at school from my parents in addition to Babcia being there. It was also pretty cool that in the weekly news letter they had reference to all the cards coming in..."And we received one from as far away as Oklahoma." When I read that out loud to my husband, Matthew started dancing around the room saying "Yeah, Uh huhh that's me, oh yeah that's me!!" This is the little spaz I know and love! So, all in all he had a great day at school sharing and showing off for Grandparents Day!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Where The Hell Did Spring Go????

What.The.Hell? We woke up to this lovely trick from Mother Nature this morning!! Hello?? It is April 5th!!! Enough with the snow already! Geez..can't we get some nice warm weather please?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sunday Six!

Well, it is time for Sunday Six again, brought to us by Kelly, so go check it out! And let her know if you played! This week is all about April Fool's and Matthew (5.2 yrs) giggled his way through the answers.

1. What is an April Fool?
~~It is when you have time for 30 minutes

2. Do you like to tell jokes?
~~Heeheeeeeee, Yeah-Like the corn joke!!

3. What is silly?
~~Why did the cornstalk get angry-that joke is hilarious!!

4. What makes you laugh the most?
~~Why did the cornstalk get angry????
(At which point I stopped him to save it for #6)

5. What does it mean to fool someone?

6. Do you know any jokes?
~~Yeah-Why did the cornstalk get angry?
Because people kept picking on their ears!!!
(And then he fell over laughing.)

STA School Fair!

Well, we had a long day today. Up bright and early to meet the sister-in-law and 2 neices at my MIL's by 8:30am to drop of Matthew and Jasmine (2.5years) to play for a few hours. Then SIL Roxy, Lexi (14 months) and I headed to the Gigantic tag sale to benefit Matthew's catholic school. Holy cannoli did we find some good stuff. I got a beautiful square white mirror with sports balls surrounding the mirror right inside the frame in practically new condition~~FOR $4!! Then two beautiful sports pictures for his room...two stick figures one playing football and one playing baseball for $3 each in beautiful red frames (his room is denim, red and light blue with soccer, baseball, football accents on the shams and other pillows). Got a HUGE metal basket that is perfect for our large family get together's to put rolls and bread in. And a beautiful cracker and cheese set in hunter green marbel and oak, BRAND new for $7. Throw in a few scattered holiday knick-knacks and it was a great haul.

Then we headed over to Target to pick up Easter stuff for the kids....I'm having everyone here this year and we are going to do an Easter egg hunt for the 3 younger ones (The older two are 8 and 11 so they can hide them!). Found some great bargains and picked up the James Blunt cd since I can't get his songs out of my head lately! God I love that man's voice!

Then after we stopped for lunch, we picked up Matthew and Jazzy and headed back to the school for the STA Boutique/Craft Fair and School Fair. The kids HAD.A.BALL in the Royal Jumper castle (spent almost 90 minutes in it). And we got to sit and talk and relax while they jumped and went down the slide! AHHHHHH. Then they spent a little time at the other booths...Jazzy got her face painted with a heart on each cheek. Matthew got an alien tattoo on his hand. Thank God neither of them one a goldfish at this one booth! YIKES. Then we headed home with 3 cranky, tired kids.

Matthew is feeling better, but still coughing and hacking away, so Thursday I got him a prescription for Robitussin with Codeine which doesn't really phase him too much. But, combined with the children's Nyquil (yes, I made sure that was safe) and he is finally getting a good nights sleep. So, we will do Sunday Six in the morning because when I asked him tonight I got attitude and he told me "Mommy, quit annoying me, why you always gotta annoy me? HUH?" Well then. Shot down by a 5 year old. Gotta love it.