Sunday, April 16, 2006

Sunday Six!

Sunday Six is brought to us by Kelly...check it out and let her know (and me) if you played!

1. What is Passover?

~~Like you have fun on Passwords, you can do whatever you want on games.

2. Why do people celebrate Easter?

~~Cuz it's spring cleaning (yeah, it felt like it!)

3. What is a Seder?

~~Like, Like...Spring

4. Where does the Easter bunny live?

~~I don't know (whispers: where does he live?)

5. What is Matzah Soup? (And if you know, do you like it?)

~~Like Mozzarella Soup-I like it a little (he's never heard of it!!)

6. What do you do with Easter eggs?

~~Find them!!

And to make our day complete...after half of our company left our large large living room TV took a nose dive out of the entertainment center!! Good thing we have the same TV in our bedroom to use until we replace it. And best of one was near it to get hurt! Just a freak thing. Yikes. Happy Easter everyone!


Blogger Kelly said...

Not sure which sounds better, Matza Soup or Mozeralla Soup! LOL

Happy Easter!

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thinking mozzarella! YUM! I love cheese ;)

Ouch on the TV! I was just telling my hubby today how I like the entertainment center we have and can he remember the balancing act we had before that... the one we kept hoping wouldn't spit out the TV and crush The Boy. SO GLAD we replaced it finally.

And SO GLAD for you that no one was hurt!

8:53 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

How about mozzarella on matzah! lol
Happy Easter!

9:07 PM  
Blogger Kami said...

OMG on the TV!!! Craziness!!

Did you push it over so you could get a new one?

2:52 PM  
Blogger Kat said...

Very funny.Sorry about your TV. That's just crazy.

8:56 AM  

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