Friday, April 28, 2006

Kindergarten Meeting!

We had Matthew's first Kindergarten meeting last night at his new school. It was just your average intro to the school and get about a thousand forms to fill out. I just have say one thing really pissed me off though. The letter inviting us to the meeting CLEARLY stated NO children as this meeting was lengthy and geared towards adults. Can I just say I heard only about half of the info due to squacking babies, toddlers banging toys and older kids running around the cafeteria. What the hell? WE made sure to find someone (thanks MIL) to watch our little man. Why do other people not follow the rules? What is so hard about this? I may be making a big deal out of nothing, but I know several of us families (you know, the ones following the rules without their children present) were getting peeved at not being able to hear all the info provided. All I can say is, I hope their young students who will be in class with my "little genius" (snicker) can follow the rules better than their parents can! Oh well....we signed up for a date next month for Kindergarten Round-up and Matthew gets to go to that so he will be excited to see his new school and classrooms!


Blogger Kat said...

As a preschool teacher all I can say is parents have more trouble follwing the rules then the kids do. lol

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.

4:34 AM  

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