Friday, September 22, 2006

PSA regarding new TMX Elmo

OK, just venting here for a second. The new Tickle Me Elmo/TMX looks awesome. I won't deny that. I wish Matthew was still little enough to be interested (not that it would matter, as I have heard they are sold out already and going for $200 on the "black market"). But, this is where I get angry.

I have a neice with a seizure disorder. I participate on a forum at Epilepsy Foundation of America, and it has been noted by many parents that the new Elmo is bringing out unflattering seizure references. Good Morning America and The Today Show both had a segment about Elmo. Both made rude references to it looking like Elmo was having a seizure. In several instances, children who have epilepsy/seizure disorders heard this. It hurts their feelings. Many times these children have no idea what it looks like when someone has a seizure. They don't realize what happens to them during a seizure. So, these adults making these references without thinking first need to stop and realize this: How would you feel if your child had a seizure disorder and someone made a comment like this? How would you feel if your child over heard this? Stop and think.

If you want to learn more about epilepsy, which affects 2.7 million Americans with 181,000 new cases every year, go here. Thank you.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

5 Things to Eat Before I Die

I was tagged for this one by KatKat, so here goes, in no particular order:

1. Chocolate/Vanilla Twist cone Soft Serve...nothing better on a hot day!

2. Filet Mignon with Fresh Asparagus and Holandaise Sauce from Max's Oyster Bar.
(Ignore the crab on top of the filet in the pic,
it was the closest I could find, I don't do

3. Grandma (or mom's or my-same recipe)
beef brisket....TO.DIE.FOR. I'm just sayin'

4. Cheesecake, cheesecake, cheesecake.
I love it, it doesn't like me. But if I am
dyin' anyway, might as well go out happy.

5. Fresh from the garden, home grown tomatoes....I will eat them until my mouth is filled with canker sores, and then try to eat them again the next day, pain be damned.

I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you play let me know and I will check it out!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Solemn Day

"Where were you when the world stopped turning, that September day?"
~~Alan Jackson, country artist in his song written immediately following the attacks of 9/11.

Where were you? I will never forget where I was, what I was doing, what I was feeling. It is forever ingrained in my mind. I felt as if the bottom had fallen out of my world.

The weekend before 9/11 Henry and I had spent the night in New York City as a late anniversary gift to each other. A band we loved was playing at BB King's Blues Club. I had never been to the city and although he hates big cities, Henry was willing to take me and show me around the Big Apple. We toured Times Square, took in a show, loved walking around and people watching. Spent some time buying cheap souvenirs. We spent one night and came home, as I couldn't stand to be away from Matthew for more than that. We arrived home Sunday afternoon. September 9th.

Two days later the unthinkable happened. Henry has vowed never to go to NYC again. I can't say as I blame him, we still talk about what would have happened had we gone a couple days later. Our back up reservation was at the Marriott in the World Trade Center. Heart stopping.

Fast forward 2 days to 9/11. I was working in a surgeons office in Hartford, adjacent to the hospital. We had been seeing patients for less than an hour when one of the doctors came in and said that some "idiot had hit the WTC with a plane" and was shaking his head. In my mind I pictured a little private 2 seater or something. Then we got word of a second plane and new we were under attack. Our office had no TV's, only radios, so the office staff listened as much as they could. I was unable to listen, as the surgeon I worked with had a full day of appointments, and I had to work. I will admit, not many of our patients showed up that day, and I can't say I blamed them. We were getting odd snippets of info from the few patients that did come in. A lot of it misconstrued. We were told that the Sear's Tower was also hit, that the capitol had been hit, the Washing Memorial, the list goes on. I must have called home 5 dozen times throughout the day. I called my Mom in Oklahoma to tell her I loved her. I begged my husband not to go on his morning walk with Matthew (part of their daily routine), worried that something would happen. Matthew had just turned 8 months old and all I wanted to do was go home and hold him. By noon, all surgeries at our hospital at been cancelled to keep the OR open for any victims that could catch a train up from NYC as this is what NYC had asked us to do due to our proximity (less than 90 miles). So, all 11 of our surgeons were in the office that day. One was praying his sister-in-law was ok, as she worked in 1 WTC (for the FIRST time in her life she was running late to work that day and was spared due to this). I was a nervous wreck and just wanted to go home. After lunch, we were told that an office building near us was evacuating. Simply because it was the tallest skyscraper in the city and they didn't want to take any chances. Not very comforting. I was such a bundle of nerves by the time we saw our last patient that I drove home as quickly as I could.

When I got home I grabbed Matthew up in a tight hug and didn't let go for the rest of the evening. I kept him near me even after he fell asleep. I couldn't bear to have him out of my sight for mere moments. We had the news channels on non-stop, staring at the TV in disbelief. I couldn't keep the tears at bay. I went to bed that night only once I had Matthew tucked into his crib~moved into our room. He stayed in our room for 2 more months after that too. I just couldn't have him in his own room in case something happened. Over sensitive, yes, but I always have been. And if it made me feel more secure to have the whole family sleeping in the same room, so be it.

I will never forget the events of that day, and I am sure no other American's will either. This anniversary is harder to deal with and I am unsure why. The media coverage is extensive as always, but I can't watch it this year, without tearing up. Will our world remain safe enough that our children will be able to raise their own children? I pray the answer is yes, and I say that pray nightly. Still to this day I cannot go to bed without first going into Matthew's room and giving him one last kiss and telling him I love him. Most nights, this happens 3-4 times after he goes to bed. Will I ever feel secure enough to go to bed without worrying what may happen during the night? Lord, I hope so.

God bless the victims of 9/11 and their friends and family. God bless the rest of America that we may once again know peace.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sunday Six~~Homework,homework!

Welcome to Sunday Six, brought to us by the inventive Kelly! This week the theme is homework, honoring her son Jack who had is first Kindergarten homework this week. Incidentally, Matthew (5.5) also had his first Kindergarten homework this past week also. He didn't much appreciate having to connect the puppies to the bones by following the squiggly lines, but did it anyway "just for you mom!" Let us, and Kelly, know if you played so we can check out how your kiddos feel about homework too!

1. What is homework?
~~It means you have to do the extra work at home for school.

2. Who assigns homework?
~~It's a very hard homework for a girl or a boy.

3. When do you do homework?
~~Like at night, is that right mom?

4. Is homework fun?
~~No, it's just a boring thing.

5. How long does it take you to do homework?
~~Like for 30 minutes.

6. If you could grade your own homework, what would you get?
~~An 'A' for the day!!!!! (yelled at ear splitting decibels!)

So, there are the homework machine's answers...who the heck ever heard of Kindergarten homework anyway?!?!

Update to yesterday's Un-FREAKING-believable post: Mr. Clean magic eraser took the permanent marker off the tv and the coffee table (thank you god!) and goof-off took it out of the carpet to the point where it will only be noticable to us. He shall live to see another day after all.


Turned my back for 2 minutes and Matthew DESTROYED the living room. I'm not just talking made a mess. I am talking found a permanent marker who the hell knows where and drew a big blue X on the carpet (light beige, ugh), wrote his name on the TV and circled it, drew another circle and colored it in on the TV, and drew little circles on the coffee table. I am so going to kill that kid. He is currently in his room, cleaning, very apologetic, and I don't see him coming out until he's oh about 30 freaking years old.

In other weird news: The pediatrician next door to our apartment complex just called us with a "matter" to discuss. We have had problems with a previous tenent and the pediatrician: the previous tenent kept using his parking lot to allow her boyfriend to park their as we wouldn't allow him in the parking garage over night. Eventually said previous tenent caused a serious car accident with a pregnant lady coming out of the pediatricians office. Those tenents were asked to leave. Moving on to current tenents. Apparently over the last few months, girl tenent has been going over to and calling the pediatrician complaining that the security light outside his door is keeping her awake at night. Girl tenent wants light turned off at night. light off at night? What freaking good would that do? Anyway, pediatrician decided to ignore issue as is his right. Apparently last night, someone went onto the pediatricians property (trespassing) and removed the lightbulb from said light (vandalism). Now, hello? I don't know about you internets out there, but to me, wouldn't the obvious answer be to just put up some g.d. room darkening curtains? So, said tenents aren't home right now, but they will be having the wrath of husband coming down on them when they return home. This is unacceptable. Before they moved in we told them that any issues with the pediatrician would NOT be tolerated. Besides that, WHO does that kind of thing? The street light outside our bedroom window shines in OUR bedroom....should I climb up there and remove it??? Jeez, put up some curtains....she is a minimalist and probably hates much better to resort to trespassing and vandalism. Tenents are lucky pediatrician neighbor is a nice guy and DIDN'T call the cops....all over a's not like it is a spotlight either. Just a normal outdoor light. Good golly.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Job Interview Tomorrow!

Got a phone call this morning from one of the local hospitals...I had applied for a position in a pediatric office well over a month ago and never heard anything. They called me this morning asking me to come in tomorrow. The office isn't even open yet, it is a new practice with three pediatricians and would be a great job. So cross your fingers for me....would love to get back into an office position. No weekends, no holidays....woooohoooo. Be home for all the important things in Matthew's life. Yay.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Pass me a tissue, please!

ABC Family is running an Extreme Makeover: Home Edition marathon today. Add to that major PMS. Add to that major homesickness. This all equals one long, tearful day. I'm just sayin'.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday Six~Labor Day!

It is time for Sunday Six once again, brought to us by the lovely Kelly. Did you play? Let her (and me) know! Answers provided by Matthew age 5.5 years.

1. Why do we celebrate Labor Day?
~Because you have to-is that the same one we already did?

2. What does labor mean?
~It means you have to celebrate every day of it.

3. How do you celebrate Labor Day?
~You have to celebrate it with balloons and anything you want,
and you have to make your bed.

4. Do you do any labor? What's Labor Day? I know how to celebrate it.

5. How long do we celebrate Labor Day?
~Ummm....I like, I can just make my bed anytime.

6. Who labors-Mommy or Daddy?
~Both of you.