Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sunday Six~~Homework,homework!

Welcome to Sunday Six, brought to us by the inventive Kelly! This week the theme is homework, honoring her son Jack who had is first Kindergarten homework this week. Incidentally, Matthew (5.5) also had his first Kindergarten homework this past week also. He didn't much appreciate having to connect the puppies to the bones by following the squiggly lines, but did it anyway "just for you mom!" Let us, and Kelly, know if you played so we can check out how your kiddos feel about homework too!

1. What is homework?
~~It means you have to do the extra work at home for school.

2. Who assigns homework?
~~It's a very hard homework for a girl or a boy.

3. When do you do homework?
~~Like at night, is that right mom?

4. Is homework fun?
~~No, it's just a boring thing.

5. How long does it take you to do homework?
~~Like for 30 minutes.

6. If you could grade your own homework, what would you get?
~~An 'A' for the day!!!!! (yelled at ear splitting decibels!)

So, there are the homework machine's answers...who the heck ever heard of Kindergarten homework anyway?!?!

Update to yesterday's Un-FREAKING-believable post: Mr. Clean magic eraser took the permanent marker off the tv and the coffee table (thank you god!) and goof-off took it out of the carpet to the point where it will only be noticable to us. He shall live to see another day after all.


Blogger kimmyk said...

A for the day works for me!

Wouldn't it be nice if we all got to give out our own grades?

10:11 AM  
Blogger KC said...

yeap homework in kindergarden, though at my kids school K only gets homework once a week, 1st grade gets it every day. We played also.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Fantastagirl said...

Homework in Kindergarten is not fun.

or 1st grade either.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Monogram Queen said...

I can't believe the stuff they give the little kids to do today.... Ugh. Makes me happy I went to school when I did, but it makes me fear for the next 3 years when Maddie starts school what they will come up with by then!
Yay for Matthew doing his homework and a great Sunday Six

8:44 AM  

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