Sunday, December 24, 2006

Sunday Six~~Merry Christmas!

Welcome to Sunday Six, brought to us by the talented Kelly! This weeks questions are of course answered by Matthew, who is now just 2 weeks shy of his sixth birthday.

1. How does Santa make it to everyone's house in one night?

~~With his sleigh

2. What are the names of his reindeer?

~~I don't know

3. What does Santa do if a home does not have a fireplace?

~~He just uses the door

4. Does Santa make all the toys, or does he buy them as well?

~~He makes the toys with the elves, but really just the elves make them and lumps of coal for the naughty kids.

5. How old is Santa?

~~I don't know

6. What are you leaving out for Santa tonight?

~~Milk and cookies

Sorry I have been so absent lately, Christmas has caused me to rush around like an idiot after work every night, shopping and such. Hopefully things will calm down now that all is done except to wrap a few more gifts tonight! I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Matthew's First Checklist!

OK, so it may be little known fact outside my circle of family and close friends, but I am a neurotic list maker! I make lists for everything...seriously. So, imagine my feelings when Matthew brought me a list he had made yesterday while I was digging out the Christmas decorations! *snicker* This is his list, which I scanned and added to. First is obviously that he wants to decorate the Christmas Tree. Next, is the tree skirt. I have to laugh because it is obviously round, and those small circles represent Santa's face that encircles it. I laid it in about 5 different spots yesterday to figure out where I wanted to put the tree this year. I guess that's why that one is checked off! Next is decorate his table, which is his small table that he does art work at, and eats at when he's just snacking. Next is make his bed, which he did. Then comes decorate the dining room table, and look he even included the chairs. Last in that column is decorate Matthew's room....not sure why it is just a square. Next column....decorate the desk and hutch...done. Finally go to Babcia's house (Polish for Grandmother). This is because I can't decide if I want to deal with a real tree again this year, or borrow one of her artificial trees (she has two and doesn't even put one up). So he was driving me batty yesterday to just go get the damn thing. I don't know though...may wait until next weekend and get a live tree. Except I hate needles! So, there you have it, my neurosis rubbing off on my son!