Sunday Six~It's my Birthday

Welcome to Sunday Six, brought to us by the talented Kelly, mother of Jenelle who is celebrating her fourth birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENELLE! Also a happy birthday shout out to my niece Ally who is turning 10 today!! We had a hard time getting answers out of Matthew today....but he did it! We had a tag sale yesterday to get rid of all the baby things we won't be needing again (no more babies for us!) and as we were preparing Friday night Matthew got a horrible runny nose....chalked it up to the chill in the air. Saturday he was ok except for the runny nose, Saturday evening he complained of a stomach ache and threw up once (he says, but no one saw this!). I gave him a children's pepto and he fell asleep on my lap watching Harry Potter. An hour later when he woke up, he was burning up with a fever of 104. Tylenol, then Motrin 2 hours later and to bed. Today he is 102, gave Tylenol so hopefully that works. So, he wasn't too excited to answer questions, but did them for me. He is 5 and three-quarters now...loves telling people that! Here are his answers, let us know if you played!
1. How do we celebrate birthdays?
~~With birthday presents and decorations. Only humans give people birthday presents!
2. Do you know anone having a birthday today?
~~Ummm, my Dad's (umm, no that was 10/3) and Ally's (yep, niece's is today) and Blake (nephew and umm, no not till March) and your birthday mom! I know it's your birthday Mom. (actually mine is next Sunday!)
3. Why do we celebrate birthdays?
~~Because we have to, it's somebody's special day!!
4. What happens at a birthday party?
~~Well if you don't decorate it the birthday boy will get made, very very mad.
5. When is your birthday?
~~Mom can you tell me? (me: January 8th?) Yeah, that's it.
6. What do you do on your birthday?
~~People decorate it, you and my Dad and everyone gives me presents and I'm so proud of everyone except Ally and blake who didn't come to my last birthday (wow, what a memory!). If you don't celebrate my birthday I get very upset!
Sarah is also big on the 3/4s of her age! Oh, and the presents.
How fun that Sarah and Matthew (and Elvis) share the same birthday. Thanks for stopping by.
aww Matt's too cute!
We played too
OH NO Poor Matthew.. I hope he is feeling better soon.. LOL about his cousin's not making it and him remembering. You better evern not remember to celebrate that boys birthday LOL, I LOVE IT!!!!!
and Happy birthday to you next sunday.. Next sunday is mine and DH 12th anniversary.
Matthew is SO smart! Every quarter counts at that age. When they get my age ... not so much LOL
The nerve of some people! I mean who doesn't know that you are supposed to come and celebrate??
Great answers! I like the one about humans. LOL!
Blogger's giving me trouble with comments, so...
Give matthew a gig (hug) for me. Poor little guy.
Happy Birthday!!
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