Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sunday Six~It's a zoo out there!

Weeeeeee'reee baccccckkkkkkkkkk! So, after deserting our friends at blogger for so long, we are back (and beta!). Hee hee. Welcome to Sunday Six, brought to us by the fun loving mom of two, Kelly. This week, we're taking a trip to the zoo. This is horrible, but our son has never been to the zoo. There is only one, yes ONE in Connecticut, and it is in one of the roughest gang areas of the state. So, hopefully this summer we'll hop on the metro and go into NYC and see the Bronx Zoo. I know, bad mommy bad mommy. Here are the fairly new 6 year old's answers from Matthew:

1. How many different animals are kept at the zoo?
~~A lot, maybe it's going to be 13.

2. What is your favorite animal at the zoo?
~~Um, it's, it's the favorite animal is....hmmmm, maybe the polar bear and penguins.

3. What is the name of your local zoo?
~~Um, I don't know.

4. What do you do at the zoo?
~~Umm, I don't know, look at the animals?

5. What do animals do at night at the Zoo?
~~Um...they sleep?

6. How many monkeys should a zoo have?
~~Umm, maybe six or maybe 9000.

There you have it, a zoo free family answering zoo questions. I personally love the zoo and miss the great ones back home. We will have to make sure and visit them on our next trip hom. Hope fully I will keep updating this week...lot's of new stuff in our next Friday, new baby on the way for my bro and his wife, loving the new job, Hub's new jobs, principal's office antics, and god forbig I haven't even downloaded Christmas or Birthday (1-8) pictures yet. Even there are any of you out there who still remember me (haha) I'm back! finally let me switch to beta and I only had to pull out HALF of my hair!

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Blogger Connie T. said...

Hi great answers. I played too. This is my first time playing this. My son didn't know the name of our zoo either, but then we have not been to the zoo here.

2:25 PM  
Blogger Fantastagirl said...

You are back, you're back! Yeah!

Love his answers! Thanks for stopping by! Don't feel bad - our kids have only been to one real zoo - and that was two years ago!

2:27 PM  
Blogger Kami said...

Of course they sleep at night!

4:49 PM  
Blogger onefootinfrontoftheother said...

Welcome back. My favorite zoo was the National Zoo in Washington DC. I love the panda bears!

4:37 PM  
Blogger Tammy said...

Wait. How can you have 9000 monkeys and only 13 animals? Maybe 13 types of animals. Just ALOT of those animals!

Great answers!

10:10 PM  

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