Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday Six-Veteran's Day!

Welcome to Sunday Six, brought to us by the lovely Kelly. This week we are honoring our Veteran's, so Kelly thought it appropriate to question our little darlings about our wonderful service men and women. Matthew, age 5 years 10 months, unfortunately didn't know very much about Veteran's, so after the questions we had a nice little talk!

1. What is a veteran?
~~A veteran is, um, uh, I forgot.

2. Why do we honor or celebrate Veteran's Day?
~~Because you always do, thank you.

3. How do we honor or celebrate Veteran's Day?
~~Like you have to use a lot of stuff to celebrate it.

4. Does your town have a parade or ceremony in honor of Veteran's Day?
~~Uh, yes.

5. What is sacrifice?
~~Sacrifice is that you help someone.

6. Do you know any veterans? If so, who?
~~Like, um, like um, my Dad. (No, he's not)


Blogger Kelly said...

He is so polite after question No. 2 LOL! I guess we need to tell our kids more about Veterans because it was a tough one for Jack too!

Happy Sunday!

3:12 PM  
Blogger Monogram Queen said...

That is great that he knew what a sacrifice was! Good job Jamie!

9:34 AM  

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