Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sunday Six~Awareness

Brought to us every week by Kelly, this weeks theme is all about awareness. Matthew (age 5 yrs 4 months) didn't quite live up to his full potential (LOL...whatever that means for a child) cuz he's battling a cold. Lovely boogers and snots all over the place...yuck. So, here are his pretty tame answers this week.

1. When you see Mommy or Daddy on the computer, what are they doing?

~~Uh, working on the 'puter.

2. How does a telephone work?

~~I forgot-with its cable (interesting as all of ours are cordless!)

3. When you play a game at an arcade what happens to the coin you use to start the game?

~~It goes inside the video game and stays there forever.

4. How does milk stay cold?

~~From the fridgerator, duh

5. What makes the car move?

~~the whole car- engine, tires, everything!

6. How does a radio work?

~~It works with its engines.

There you have it. Let Kelly know if you played, and let us know too! Happy Sunday...hopefully it is sunny where you is 60 and rainy here...blech.


Blogger Timestep said...

Great answers! I love the car answer.

2:42 PM  
Blogger Timestep said...

P.S. Thanks for stopping by to see our answers.

2:43 PM  
Blogger Fantastagirl said...

I like the radio answer - with it's engine... and the car answer is just awesome!

Thanks for stopping and visiting today!

5:35 PM  

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