Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Creative Memories Order Has Arrived!!

Yahoo....it came today! I won't bore you with pics (unless you want me too...LOL). The stuff is great. Already loving the cutting system, the ovals are the best! The corner rounder is kick butt. The bubble maker is AWESOME!! Got the star punch, the circle punch....hmmm, oh yeah a fancy square punch. The cobalt album for Matthew's book is beautiful. MMMMM....I shall be busy busy busy! I hope anyway. It is so hard to do with him around, he always wants to cut up the "pretty paper" uhhh sorry you can have some construction paper...step away from the 12x12 awesomely pretty paper Matthew.
Tomorrow we also get to go to Kindergarten Round-up! Yahoo, officially get Matthew enrolled in kindergarten. I hope he enjoys the time at the "new" school tomorrow. He already has a little anxiety about leaving the school where he is attending pre-school. As long as they reassure him tomorrow that he can continue to do art projects all will be right in his five year old world! I, on the other hand, am having mixed feelings. I am saddened that he is "already" starting kindergarten (even though because his birthday is 1/8/01 he will be one of the oldest in his class), but another part of me is so ready for him to be attending school 5 days a week. Is that horrible? Our town has full day kindergarten five days a week! What an adjustment...he only goes 2 days a week now. I will have 2 days in the middle of every week that I am not working and he is in school. Yahoo....what to do what to do (scrapbooking here I come!). On the other hand, that will be quite an adjustment for the little guy....I am assuming they will still have a nap/quiet time every day as they are still young. I guess we will know more after tomorrow mornings "round-up"!


Blogger Kami said...

I am going to shit a watermelon when my kid starts real school.

Can't wait to see your pages!!

11:44 AM  

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