Monday, July 24, 2006

Prayers and Good Thoughts

Henry had his two interviews today. The first one, which was the third for the same company, went well. The corporate lady was a little odd....when speaking about benefits Henry told her he wouldn't need them because I carry benefits for the family. She tried to make a joke (I guess) and said, well at least until she leaves you. Huh? Very odd sense of humor.

The second interview was for the company that we are hoping and praying he is offered a job with. It is a 400 apartment/townhome complex. He would be one of four maintenance guys, and it seems to be a good company. The best thing about this job is this: We would have a HOUSE to live in instead of an apartment. At SIGNIFICANTLY reduced rent. It has 3 bedrooms, an acre of land for Matthew to play, and sounds perfect. So, if you believe in the power of prayer, we could use some good strong prayers. They hope to make their decision by the end of the week. Crossing my fingers....and toes....and legs....and eyes. Hey, you gotta grab luck where ever you can get it, right?

Matthew's behavior continues to be bad, but we are dealing with it. I finally gave in and cleaned his room on Saturday, but made a huge change. Won't pick up his toys? Won't take care of his things? Then he has NO access to them. I put child locks on EVERYTHING! He can't get to any of his toys, art projects, nothing. Once he learns to take care of and appreciate his things, then maybe we can ease up. For now, he is allowed to choose one item (today he chose Matchbox cars) to play with. No more letting him pick 20 different items and destroying his room. So far, so good. Baby steps it seems are the order of the day.

Thank you all for your prayers and good luck thoughts! I'll let you know as soon as we hear anything!