Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Fourth of July AND Sunday Six!

OK, this weeks Sunday Six is a little late...but the lovely Kelly gave us until Wednesday to play so I don't feel too badly. This week is very appropriately all about the wonderfully patriotic Fourth of July. Matthew (5 yrs 5 months) was kind enough to answer, and was a little toooooo talkative today, so bear with the essay type answers!

1. How do we celebrate the Fourth of July?

~~You just do what you do on the Fourth of July. Mom

do you think this is the hard one? Do you?

(he's convinced there is at least ONE hard question

each week!)

2. What do you eat on the Fourth of July?

Food and Kinda Stuff, Just regular stuff, you know

like you always do, that kinda stuff.

3. What do you think of fireworks?

I think of fireworks making me more light so I can

see in the dark, and I sit in the back of Dad's truck and

stay up late. I like the blue, red, yellow, green and purple.

That's the five colors I like...only.

4. How does a firework work?

By making people turn them on, they

just come from a shooting star.

5. What does it mean to be an American?

Means you have to be an American-you just

do what you're supposed to do-like, uh, is that the hard?

6. How old is the United States of America?

Like fifty thousand ten thousand.

So, there you have it. The patriotic holiday broken down by Matthew. I hope everyone has a safe holiday and I'll be happy when the fireworks are gone. Like it is fun being awakened at midnight to what you just know in your tired sleepy brain is someone shooting at your windows with an oozie. I love feeling my heart jump out of my chest....and so easy to fall back to sleep after that too. I'm just sayin'.


Blogger Kami said...

Fifty thousand ten thousand? THAT IS OLD!

2:47 PM  
Blogger Kami said...

Fifty thousand ten thousand? THAT IS OLD!

2:47 PM  
Blogger Jody said...

Kids have a way with words and making holidys more fun! Thanks for dropping by Nitty.Gritty. and leaving me kind words. I appreciate it. Hope you have a great rest of the week. Maybe doing bit of scrapping too! Ciao!

9:41 AM  

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