Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sunday Six!

This week: Summertime....beaches, ice cream trucks...what does summer mean to you. Brought to us as always by the talented Kelly, answers are provided by Matthew (5yrs, 5 months). Let us know if you played!

1. What does summer solstice mean?
~~Phhhttttt, is that the hard one? What is it? Like its summer, all the time?

2. What do you like best about summer?
~~Like, I like playing basketball, that is my favorite sport and some golf and hockey.
(What's with the like's am I raising a little valley girl??)

3. Is summer always hot?
~~Not exactly, it stays hot for a little bit.

4. What do you do during the summer?
~~Like you lay stuff and you go to Anastastia's birthday

5. Which do you like best, summer, winter, spring or fall?
~~Ummm, uhhhh, I like snow days-winter that's my favorite!

6. What do you not like about summer?
~~I don't like my Dad giving me spankings in summer (WTH?)

That's it....didya play? Didya?