Sunday, June 18, 2006

Sunday Six!

Brought to us by the wonderful Kelly, this week is of course all about Father's Day. Answers are provided by Matthew (age 5 yrs, 5 months). Let me know if you played!

1. What is a father?
~~Your father is your mother's husband! (Holy Cow!)

2. Why do we have fathers?
~~Because you need one

3. What do father's do?
~~Word every time

4. How do you celebrate Father's Day?
~~Have to give your father a present

5. What have you learned from your father?
~~I learned that you have to give him a present on Father's Day,
is that correct?

6. Do you have any other names fo ryour father-if so what are they?
~~Henry (last name here), and that's it.

So, we are going to Max's Oyster Bar to celebrate Father's Day. Looking forward to some good food and good drink. Just hope it isn't as snooty as the last time I was there! Hope everyone has a great Father's Day!