Saturday, July 22, 2006

Good Luck

Well, this is the best symbol for good luck I could find in a hurry. I just wanted to put it out there to all of you, to please if you can, think good thoughts for my hubby. He has a 3rd job interview with a good company (2 apartment complexes) to do maintenance. He has interviewed with both complexes, and Monday is finally corporates turn. As some of you know, he is superintendent of the apartments we live in, which is FABULOUS, we live for free, but he doesn't get paid and it is only part time. This has allowed Matthew to remain home with hubby, and we have never needed daycare. With Matthew starting kindergarten in the fall Henry is more than ready to hunt for a full-time job! He will continue his job here at Tiffany House, as well as a new endeavor. On Monday he also has a first interview with another family-owned complex in Vernon. This is also a great prospect as it has potential for a live in position. So if he gets it and loves it, there is the possibility of moving to a smaller, more rural town. We live in a snooty, uptight city now and would love the prospect of a more "country" feeling town. Although, where we live now has the BEST school district in the state, so that would be a hard choice. Henry's mom currently lives only 2 miles away, and it might be good to live in Vernon which is a good 15 miles away....I could use a little distance! So, goodluck hubby, I love you and know you will do great. And thank all of you for good wishes! Now, off to set up appetizers as we have friends coming over for an evening of cards. Pray Matthew behaves well....hmmmphh.