Monday, March 06, 2006

My Little "Inja"

OK, so MJ has decided he wants to be a Ninja when he grows up "in three years mommy." Or as he calls it, an "inja" because try as he might he just cannot pronounce this word to save his little life. So, what the problem with this is: "But Mommy you have to make me a inja outfit...Jayden has one, Sam has one, I don't got one." Ummmm. Well. Shoot. Your mommy doesn't sew. AT ALL. Not even buttons. Well, ok buttons if they aren't required to stay on for more than a 2-3 hour event. This is of course LATE on a Sunday. Stores closed. Can't even buy my way out of this one. So, let's get creative. Step 1: Find an old t-shirt. Step 2: Cut out a bandana type thingamagig with eye holes to serve as mask. Step 3: Chuck that in garbage can when it won't stay over his eyes and get a stiff drink. Step 4: Hack the crap out of said t-shirt and tie all kinds of strips around his limbs and pray he will think it is cool. Step 5: Have another stiff drink and pat yourself on the back while he prances around thinking he is oh so cool in his "inja" costume. Step 6: Swallow those damn laughs cuz they hurt his feelings. Step 7: Snap digital pics to send to Grandma cuz he is so proud he wants to show her. Step 8: Gently untie all the straps once he falls asleep as that is the only time he is willing to take it off! Last: Admit to yourself that you might just make an ok mom after all....even if you can't sew! Who knew a 5 year old boy could have sooooo much fun from one cut up t-shirt. And yeah, I realize ninja's don't wear camo, but heck I wasn't gonna cut up a nice black t-shirt. Cut up that crappy camo ugly hand me down from some cousin. Geez...priorities people! LOL.


Blogger Kami said...


I just love how they say stuff. E-mail me at, and I'll tell you how to do your links. :)

7:33 PM  

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